Over the last few years, sporting equipment has become very high-tech. Almost everyone that uses today’s sporting equipment has seen a number of changes due to modern technology. Not only has the equipment changed, from new materials to optimized designs, but the way we train and prepare has completely transformed.

Smart sports gear can provide technical feedback for a specific sport and give you an insight into an athlete’s performance and form. We have already seen a selection of smart basketballs and soccer balls and even tennis rackets, and not to mention smart sneakers and the variety of sensors you can put in the sole of your shoe.

zepp lab sensor improves softball hitting

Softball and baseball have remained more or less the same. Just recently smart technology has found its way on the diamond and in batting cages. The smart baseball bat created by Zepp Labs lets you see your swing in 3D on its smartphone app and track other metrics like bat speed and time to impact. IN fact, you can use the technology on any baseball or softball bat: just place the mount on the bottom of the bat, attach the sensor and you can study your hitting performance with any bat.

The Smart Coach training system allows you to easily see the areas where you can improve and offer you training programs that are tailored to your swing. Just attach the sensor to the end of your bat, simply take a few swings and Zepp will instantly evaluate how you can improve your hitting skills. The only thing that is left for you to do is to check out the best fastpitch softball bats and find the right one for you.