Urban Transportation of the Future

2020-12-07T20:30:07+08:00May 23, 2017|Gadgets, Travel|

If you're looking to cut down on your gas usage and have a good time doing it, the electric scooter may be the best way. They're a practical alternative to cars that'll save you money and keep your carbon footprint down. They get you around the neighborhood, bridge the gap [...]

Vacation on Greek islands

2015-01-08T22:38:19+08:00July 15, 2014|Travel|

With hundreds of islands, fabulous coast, deep blue and very clear sea, Greece is a dream vacation destination for most of the people. Not to mention a lot of historic places all over the Greece which are just “some old stones” for someone and “mythological hot spots” for others. However [...]

Dracula tour to Transylvania

2015-01-08T22:34:20+08:00March 28, 2014|Travel|

Have you seen any of the movie about Dracula? If you did then you must go and see when it began. I visited Transylvania in late April, traveled trough Craiova to Sibiu and Brasov. I had no idea what to expect, had a lot prejudges about Romania and Romanian people. [...]

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